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!dataver 201801 [Info] N Big Big World(Album Version) S Emilia LA -- MA -- C -- A #4978EE G1 #4978EE G2 #498CEA O // @archive 2023-05-08 // The file is generated by the crawler [Para All Content] L - Crawled from: Kuwo Music L - The application is not responsible for the content L 0.51 大大世界 - Avril Lavigne L 5.65 I'm a big big girl L 7.96 我已经是个大女孩 L 7.96 In a big big world L 10.78 在这个大千世界里 L 10.78 It's not a big big thing if you leave me L 16.23 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事 L 16.23 But I do do feel L 18.95 但我真正地感受到 L 18.95 That I do do will L 21.71 我一定会 L 21.71 Miss you much L 25.59 很想念你 L 25.59 Miss you much L 31.23 很想念你 L 31.23 I can see the first leafs falling L 36.79 我看见第一片落叶 L 36.79 It's all yellow and nice L 42.13 是那样金黄而美好 L 42.13 It's so very cold outside L 47.75 外面是如此地寒冷 L 47.75 Like the way I'm feeling inside L 51.85 如同我内心的感受 L 51.85 I'm a big big girl L 54.5 我已经是个大女孩 L 54.5 In a big big world L 57.23 在这个大千世界里 L 57.23 It's not a big big thing if you leave me L 62.72 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事 L 62.72 But I do do feel L 65.35 但我真正地感受到 L 65.35 That I do do will L 68.01 我一定会 L 68.01 Miss you much L 72.09 很想念你 L 72.09 Miss you much L 80.64 很想念你 L 80.64 Outside it's no raining L 85.8 现在外面正在下雨 L 85.8 And tears are falling from my eyes L 91.32 眼泪从我眼中滑落 L 91.32 Why did it have to happen L 96.59 这一切为何要发生 L 96.59 Why did it all have to end L 100.94 又为何要匆匆结束 L 100.94 I'm a big big girl L 103.46 我已经是个大女孩 L 103.46 In a big big world L 106.14 在这个大千世界里 L 106.14 It's not a big big thing if you leave me L 111.64 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事 L 111.64 But I do do feel L 114.34 但我真正地感受到 L 114.34 That I do do will L 117.03 我一定会 L 117.03 Miss you much L 121.09 很想念你 L 121.09 Miss you much L 124.28 很想念你 L 124.28 I have your arms around me L 128.82 你的手臂环绕着我 L 128.82 Warm like fire L 134.07 温暖得像火焰飞舞 L 134.07 But when I open my eyes L 138.94 但当我睁开眼睛时 L 138.94 Your gone L 144.85 你却已经匆匆离开 L 144.85 I'm a big big girl L 147.15 我已经是个大女孩 L 147.15 In a big big world L 149.84 在这个大千世界里 L 149.84 It's not a big big thing if you leave me L 155.35 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事 L 155.35 But I do do feel L 158.08 但我真正地感受到 L 158.08 That I do do will L 160.78 我一定会 L 160.78 Miss you much L 164.84 很想念你 L 164.84 Miss you much L 166.51 很想念你 L 166.51 I'm a big big girl L 168.99 我已经是个大女孩 L 168.99 In a big big world L 171.56 在这个大千世界里 L 171.56 It's not a big big thing if you leave me L 177.16 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事 L 177.16 But I do feel L 179.75 但我真正地感受到 L 179.75 That I will L 181.59 我一定会 L 181.59 Miss you much L 186.16 很想念你 L 186.16 Miss you much L 191.16 很想念你 // Cached:2021/12/04 08:15:58

API Method: Append ?raw for raw content.
Example: GET

Compilation Results

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API Method: Obtain raw json from raw subpage.
Example: GET

Minified LRC File

1| [ti:Big Big World(Album Version)]
2| [ar:Emilia]
3| [al:--]
4| [by:Music Archive]
5| [offset:0]
6| [00:00.000]Big Big World(Album Version) - Emilia
7| [00:00.500]Crawled from: Kuwo Music
8| [00:00.501]The application is not responsible for the content
9| [00:00.502]大大世界 - Avril Lavigne
10| [00:05.600][00:51.801][01:40.901][02:24.801][02:46.501]I'm a big big girl
11| [00:07.900][00:54.500][01:43.400][02:27.100][02:48.900]我已经是个大女孩
12| [00:07.901][00:54.501][01:43.401][02:27.101][02:48.901]In a big big world
13| [00:10.700][00:57.200][01:46.100][02:29.800][02:51.500]在这个大千世界里
14| [00:10.701][00:57.201][01:46.101][02:29.801][02:51.501]It's not a big big thing if you leave me
15| [00:16.200][01:02.700][01:51.600][02:35.300][02:57.100]如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
16| [00:16.201][01:02.701][01:51.601][02:35.301]But I do do feel
17| [00:18.900][01:05.300][01:54.300][02:38.000][02:59.700]但我真正地感受到
18| [00:18.901][01:05.301][01:54.301][02:38.001]That I do do will
19| [00:21.700][01:08.000][01:57.000][02:40.700][03:01.500]我一定会
20| [00:21.701][00:25.501][01:08.001][01:12.001][01:57.001][02:01.001][02:40.701][02:44.801][03:01.501][03:06.101]Miss you much
21| [00:25.500][00:31.200][01:12.000][01:20.600][02:01.000][02:04.200][02:44.800][02:46.500][03:06.100][03:11.100]很想念你
22| [00:31.201]I can see the first leafs falling
23| [00:36.700]我看见第一片落叶
24| [00:36.701]It's all yellow and nice
25| [00:42.100]是那样金黄而美好
26| [00:42.101]It's so very cold outside
27| [00:47.700]外面是如此地寒冷
28| [00:47.701]Like the way I'm feeling inside
29| [00:51.800]如同我内心的感受
30| [01:20.601]Outside it's no raining
31| [01:25.800]现在外面正在下雨
32| [01:25.801]And tears are falling from my eyes
33| [01:31.300]眼泪从我眼中滑落
34| [01:31.301]Why did it have to happen
35| [01:36.500]这一切为何要发生
36| [01:36.501]Why did it all have to end
37| [01:40.900]又为何要匆匆结束
38| [02:04.201]I have your arms around me
39| [02:08.800]你的手臂环绕着我
40| [02:08.801]Warm like fire
41| [02:14.000]温暖得像火焰飞舞
42| [02:14.001]But when I open my eyes
43| [02:18.900]但当我睁开眼睛时
44| [02:18.901]Your gone
45| [02:24.800]你却已经匆匆离开
46| [02:57.101]But I do feel
47| [02:59.701]That I will

Standard contents only, with minified lines.
API Method: Append ?raw&lrc=minified&delta=#&comment=#&precision=# for raw content.
Example: GET

Extended LRC File

1| [ti:Big Big World(Album Version)]
2| [ar:Emilia]
3| [txmp_la:--]
4| [txmp_ma:--]
5| [al:--]
6| [by:Music Archive]
7| [offset:0]
8| [00:00.000]Big Big World(Album Version) - Emilia
9| [txmp_para:All Content]
10| [00:00.500]Crawled from: Kuwo Music
11| [00:00.501]The application is not responsible for the content
12| [00:00.502]大大世界 - Avril Lavigne
13| [00:05.600]I'm a big big girl
14| [00:07.900]我已经是个大女孩
15| [00:07.901]In a big big world
16| [00:10.700]在这个大千世界里
17| [00:10.701]It's not a big big thing if you leave me
18| [00:16.200]如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
19| [00:16.201]But I do do feel
20| [00:18.900]但我真正地感受到
21| [00:18.901]That I do do will
22| [00:21.700]我一定会
23| [00:21.701]Miss you much
24| [00:25.500]很想念你
25| [00:25.501]Miss you much
26| [00:31.200]很想念你
27| [00:31.201]I can see the first leafs falling
28| [00:36.700]我看见第一片落叶
29| [00:36.701]It's all yellow and nice
30| [00:42.100]是那样金黄而美好
31| [00:42.101]It's so very cold outside
32| [00:47.700]外面是如此地寒冷
33| [00:47.701]Like the way I'm feeling inside
34| [00:51.800]如同我内心的感受
35| [00:51.801]I'm a big big girl
36| [00:54.500]我已经是个大女孩
37| [00:54.501]In a big big world
38| [00:57.200]在这个大千世界里
39| [00:57.201]It's not a big big thing if you leave me
40| [01:02.700]如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
41| [01:02.701]But I do do feel
42| [01:05.300]但我真正地感受到
43| [01:05.301]That I do do will
44| [01:08.000]我一定会
45| [01:08.001]Miss you much
46| [01:12.000]很想念你
47| [01:12.001]Miss you much
48| [01:20.600]很想念你
49| [01:20.601]Outside it's no raining
50| [01:25.800]现在外面正在下雨
51| [01:25.801]And tears are falling from my eyes
52| [01:31.300]眼泪从我眼中滑落
53| [01:31.301]Why did it have to happen
54| [01:36.500]这一切为何要发生
55| [01:36.501]Why did it all have to end
56| [01:40.900]又为何要匆匆结束
57| [01:40.901]I'm a big big girl
58| [01:43.400]我已经是个大女孩
59| [01:43.401]In a big big world
60| [01:46.100]在这个大千世界里
61| [01:46.101]It's not a big big thing if you leave me
62| [01:51.600]如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
63| [01:51.601]But I do do feel
64| [01:54.300]但我真正地感受到
65| [01:54.301]That I do do will
66| [01:57.000]我一定会
67| [01:57.001]Miss you much
68| [02:01.000]很想念你
69| [02:01.001]Miss you much
70| [02:04.200]很想念你
71| [02:04.201]I have your arms around me
72| [02:08.800]你的手臂环绕着我
73| [02:08.801]Warm like fire
74| [02:14.000]温暖得像火焰飞舞
75| [02:14.001]But when I open my eyes
76| [02:18.900]但当我睁开眼睛时
77| [02:18.901]Your gone
78| [02:24.800]你却已经匆匆离开
79| [02:24.801]I'm a big big girl
80| [02:27.100]我已经是个大女孩
81| [02:27.101]In a big big world
82| [02:29.800]在这个大千世界里
83| [02:29.801]It's not a big big thing if you leave me
84| [02:35.300]如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
85| [02:35.301]But I do do feel
86| [02:38.000]但我真正地感受到
87| [02:38.001]That I do do will
88| [02:40.700]我一定会
89| [02:40.701]Miss you much
90| [02:44.800]很想念你
91| [02:44.801]Miss you much
92| [02:46.500]很想念你
93| [02:46.501]I'm a big big girl
94| [02:48.900]我已经是个大女孩
95| [02:48.901]In a big big world
96| [02:51.500]在这个大千世界里
97| [02:51.501]It's not a big big thing if you leave me
98| [02:57.100]如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
99| [02:57.101]But I do feel
100| [02:59.700]但我真正地感受到
101| [02:59.701]That I will
102| [03:01.500]我一定会
103| [03:01.501]Miss you much
104| [03:06.100]很想念你
105| [03:06.101]Miss you much
106| [03:11.100]很想念你

Express lyrics precisely.
API Method: Append ?raw&lrc=fancy&delta=#&comment=#&precision=# for raw content.
Example: GET

Source File

1| !dataver 201801
2| [Info]
3| N Big Big World(Album Version)
4| S Emilia
5| LA --
6| MA --
7| C --
8| A #4978EE
9| G1 #4978EE
10| G2 #498CEA
11| O
13| // @archive 2023-05-08
14| // The file is generated by the crawler
16| [Para All Content]
17| L - Crawled from: Kuwo Music
18| L - The application is not responsible for the content
19| L 0.51 大大世界 - Avril Lavigne
20| L 5.65 I'm a big big girl
21| L 7.96 我已经是个大女孩
22| L 7.96 In a big big world
23| L 10.78 在这个大千世界里
24| L 10.78 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
25| L 16.23 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
26| L 16.23 But I do do feel
27| L 18.95 但我真正地感受到
28| L 18.95 That I do do will
29| L 21.71 我一定会
30| L 21.71 Miss you much
31| L 25.59 很想念你
32| L 25.59 Miss you much
33| L 31.23 很想念你
34| L 31.23 I can see the first leafs falling
35| L 36.79 我看见第一片落叶
36| L 36.79 It's all yellow and nice
37| L 42.13 是那样金黄而美好
38| L 42.13 It's so very cold outside
39| L 47.75 外面是如此地寒冷
40| L 47.75 Like the way I'm feeling inside
41| L 51.85 如同我内心的感受
42| L 51.85 I'm a big big girl
43| L 54.5 我已经是个大女孩
44| L 54.5 In a big big world
45| L 57.23 在这个大千世界里
46| L 57.23 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
47| L 62.72 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
48| L 62.72 But I do do feel
49| L 65.35 但我真正地感受到
50| L 65.35 That I do do will
51| L 68.01 我一定会
52| L 68.01 Miss you much
53| L 72.09 很想念你
54| L 72.09 Miss you much
55| L 80.64 很想念你
56| L 80.64 Outside it's no raining
57| L 85.8 现在外面正在下雨
58| L 85.8 And tears are falling from my eyes
59| L 91.32 眼泪从我眼中滑落
60| L 91.32 Why did it have to happen
61| L 96.59 这一切为何要发生
62| L 96.59 Why did it all have to end
63| L 100.94 又为何要匆匆结束
64| L 100.94 I'm a big big girl
65| L 103.46 我已经是个大女孩
66| L 103.46 In a big big world
67| L 106.14 在这个大千世界里
68| L 106.14 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
69| L 111.64 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
70| L 111.64 But I do do feel
71| L 114.34 但我真正地感受到
72| L 114.34 That I do do will
73| L 117.03 我一定会
74| L 117.03 Miss you much
75| L 121.09 很想念你
76| L 121.09 Miss you much
77| L 124.28 很想念你
78| L 124.28 I have your arms around me
79| L 128.82 你的手臂环绕着我
80| L 128.82 Warm like fire
81| L 134.07 温暖得像火焰飞舞
82| L 134.07 But when I open my eyes
83| L 138.94 但当我睁开眼睛时
84| L 138.94 Your gone
85| L 144.85 你却已经匆匆离开
86| L 144.85 I'm a big big girl
87| L 147.15 我已经是个大女孩
88| L 147.15 In a big big world
89| L 149.84 在这个大千世界里
90| L 149.84 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
91| L 155.35 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
92| L 155.35 But I do do feel
93| L 158.08 但我真正地感受到
94| L 158.08 That I do do will
95| L 160.78 我一定会
96| L 160.78 Miss you much
97| L 164.84 很想念你
98| L 164.84 Miss you much
99| L 166.51 很想念你
100| L 166.51 I'm a big big girl
101| L 168.99 我已经是个大女孩
102| L 168.99 In a big big world
103| L 171.56 在这个大千世界里
104| L 171.56 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
105| L 177.16 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
106| L 177.16 But I do feel
107| L 179.75 但我真正地感受到
108| L 179.75 That I will
109| L 181.59 我一定会
110| L 181.59 Miss you much
111| L 186.16 很想念你
112| L 186.16 Miss you much
113| L 191.16 很想念你
114| // Cached:2021/12/04 08:15:58

Compilation Info

0300/lyric.txt @ L1-L2
1> !dataver 201801
· Notice: Line 1 - The version of file is 201801, while the latest is 201805. This probably means that the file is outdated.
2> [Info]
0300/lyric.txt @ L21-L114
21> L 7.96 我已经是个大女孩
22> L 7.96 In a big big world
· Warning: Line 22 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
23> L 10.78 在这个大千世界里
24> L 10.78 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
· Warning: Line 24 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
25> L 16.23 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
26> L 16.23 But I do do feel
· Warning: Line 26 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
27> L 18.95 但我真正地感受到
28> L 18.95 That I do do will
· Warning: Line 28 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
29> L 21.71 我一定会
30> L 21.71 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 30 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
31> L 25.59 很想念你
32> L 25.59 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 32 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
33> L 31.23 很想念你
34> L 31.23 I can see the first leafs falling
· Warning: Line 34 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
35> L 36.79 我看见第一片落叶
36> L 36.79 It's all yellow and nice
· Warning: Line 36 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
37> L 42.13 是那样金黄而美好
38> L 42.13 It's so very cold outside
· Warning: Line 38 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
39> L 47.75 外面是如此地寒冷
40> L 47.75 Like the way I'm feeling inside
· Warning: Line 40 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
41> L 51.85 如同我内心的感受
42> L 51.85 I'm a big big girl
· Warning: Line 42 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
43> L 54.5 我已经是个大女孩
44> L 54.5 In a big big world
· Warning: Line 44 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
45> L 57.23 在这个大千世界里
46> L 57.23 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
· Warning: Line 46 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
47> L 62.72 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
48> L 62.72 But I do do feel
· Warning: Line 48 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
49> L 65.35 但我真正地感受到
50> L 65.35 That I do do will
· Warning: Line 50 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
51> L 68.01 我一定会
52> L 68.01 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 52 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
53> L 72.09 很想念你
54> L 72.09 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 54 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
55> L 80.64 很想念你
56> L 80.64 Outside it's no raining
· Warning: Line 56 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
57> L 85.8 现在外面正在下雨
58> L 85.8 And tears are falling from my eyes
· Warning: Line 58 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
59> L 91.32 眼泪从我眼中滑落
60> L 91.32 Why did it have to happen
· Warning: Line 60 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
61> L 96.59 这一切为何要发生
62> L 96.59 Why did it all have to end
· Warning: Line 62 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
63> L 100.94 又为何要匆匆结束
64> L 100.94 I'm a big big girl
· Warning: Line 64 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
65> L 103.46 我已经是个大女孩
66> L 103.46 In a big big world
· Warning: Line 66 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
67> L 106.14 在这个大千世界里
68> L 106.14 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
· Warning: Line 68 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
69> L 111.64 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
70> L 111.64 But I do do feel
· Warning: Line 70 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
71> L 114.34 但我真正地感受到
72> L 114.34 That I do do will
· Warning: Line 72 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
73> L 117.03 我一定会
74> L 117.03 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 74 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
75> L 121.09 很想念你
76> L 121.09 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 76 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
77> L 124.28 很想念你
78> L 124.28 I have your arms around me
· Warning: Line 78 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
79> L 128.82 你的手臂环绕着我
80> L 128.82 Warm like fire
· Warning: Line 80 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
81> L 134.07 温暖得像火焰飞舞
82> L 134.07 But when I open my eyes
· Warning: Line 82 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
83> L 138.94 但当我睁开眼睛时
84> L 138.94 Your gone
· Warning: Line 84 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
85> L 144.85 你却已经匆匆离开
86> L 144.85 I'm a big big girl
· Warning: Line 86 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
87> L 147.15 我已经是个大女孩
88> L 147.15 In a big big world
· Warning: Line 88 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
89> L 149.84 在这个大千世界里
90> L 149.84 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
· Warning: Line 90 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
91> L 155.35 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
92> L 155.35 But I do do feel
· Warning: Line 92 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
93> L 158.08 但我真正地感受到
94> L 158.08 That I do do will
· Warning: Line 94 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
95> L 160.78 我一定会
96> L 160.78 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 96 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
97> L 164.84 很想念你
98> L 164.84 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 98 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
99> L 166.51 很想念你
100> L 166.51 I'm a big big girl
· Warning: Line 100 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
101> L 168.99 我已经是个大女孩
102> L 168.99 In a big big world
· Warning: Line 102 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
103> L 171.56 在这个大千世界里
104> L 171.56 It's not a big big thing if you leave me
· Warning: Line 104 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
105> L 177.16 如果你已然离开我不是什么重大的事
106> L 177.16 But I do feel
· Warning: Line 106 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
107> L 179.75 但我真正地感受到
108> L 179.75 That I will
· Warning: Line 108 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
109> L 181.59 我一定会
110> L 181.59 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 110 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
111> L 186.16 很想念你
112> L 186.16 Miss you much
· Warning: Line 112 - The lyric line has exactly the same time as the previous one.
113> L 191.16 很想念你
114> // Cached:2021/12/04 08:15:58
· NonStandard: Line 114 - Final point of lyric area is not defined.